We are so grateful for all of CMA's friends, patrons, and donors!
Without you, our concert series would not be possible.
Thank you!
Please consider joining CMA as a Friend and/or Donor
Friends of CMA are our valued volunteers. Among volunteer tasks at concerts are ushering, assisting with refreshments, staffing the Will Call table, and greeting patrons. If you would like to join us, please contact us below.

CMA continues to be one of the most affordable concert series in the nation. In order to keep our ticket prices within reach, we depend upon donations and giving to supplement our programming.
If you would like to help us maintain our 83-year-old tradition
of providing the Albuquerque community with top-tier music
and world-class artists, please click on the Donate to CMA button,
mail your tax deductible contribution to Chamber Music Albuquerque, P.O. Box 3343, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190-3343.
Chamber Music Albuquerque is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all contributions
are tax deductible to the maximum amount allowed by law.
Chamber Music Albuquerque’s mission is to present chamber musicians in live performance, sharing the power of music with the community.

Our Funding Levels
Mozart Circle ($2,500+)
Beethoven Circle ($1,000-2,499)
Schubert Circle ($500-999)
Mendelssohn Circle ($250-499)
Copland Circle ($100-249)
Ravel Circle (up to $99)
The Stradivarius Society acknowledges contributors who have included CMA in their estate plans. Through bequests or other kinds of planned gifts to the Stradivarius Society, patrons help perpetuate CMA's mission- to share the power of music with the community. These gifts can be added to the endowment fund, which will support Chamber Music Albuquerque in perpetuity. For information on how to endow a concert, season, or guest artists, or to honor yourself or a loved one through an endowed gift, please contact us at 505-268-1990.
Legacy Giving